Dale's wife, Alicia, is terminally ill with a rare gastrointestinal cancer. Dale left work to become her full-time carer. They have four young daughters. Dale shares their story here.
My wife is terminally ill. We don't know exactly how much time we have left, which makes planning difficult. It feels like limbo.
I can't focus on the future, but I'm also afraid to lose myself in the present. My friends seem unsure of how to act around me.
It's hard to see her so tired, and to manage her anger outbursts. I know it's her fear coming out, but it still hurts.
Talking about her funeral was incredibly difficult, but I want to make sure everything is done exactly as she wishes. Even though it's a challenging time, I see it as a gift to be able to make her remaining days as happy and fulfilling as possible.
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