
How to have tender conversations

We believe that honest, open conversations are key to improving outcomes through the last stage of life.

People often tell us, "I know the conversation is important - but where do I start?"

Timing and tone matter most. Get those right, and the words tend to flow. Violet Guides often use the idea of "opening a door" to explain this.

Sometimes, jumping straight into the conversation is okay if the relationship and trust are strong. Take a deep breath, gather courage, and step through gently.

Other times, you need to nudge the door a bit. Ask gentle, calmly paced questions. Like, "can we talk about your last doctor's appointment?"

And if you sense a little open-ness, seize the moment. Ask, "Is there anything you'd like to talk about?"

It might initially feel awkward or scary. But opening-up can bring so much relief. It helps us understand each other better and makes so much more possible.

One way to start the conversation might be to talk about your feelings for the person you are caring for, the things you are grateful for, or the life experiences you have both shared.

Here are some conversation starters that may be helpful for you:

  • I think it would be good for us to discuss what's happening…would you be ok to talk with me?

  • Things don’t appear to be going very well at the moment. Would you be willing to talk with me?

  • What do you think is happening now?

  • I know the prognosis is hard to accept, but I would like to try somehow to talk about what’s ahead…would you be open to that?

  • The doctor seemed to be saying that the treatment isn’t working. What do you think that means?

  • I’m worried that you might be getting sick, and we haven’t ever really talked about the things that are most important to you. Would you like to talk to me about that?

  • I would really like to make the most of the time we have left together. Do you fee the same?

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