

Kat's Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer, and together with her Mum, Kat cared for him through the last stage of his life. Kat shares her story, here.

Dad wasn't well, and I spent a few precious months making him happy. We talked, shared memories, and there were no regrets. Looking back, I wish we'd known more. More opportunities for the grandkids to visit, more time together before things got harder.

Suddenly, everything moved quickly. There wasn't time to prepare. Simple things, like how to manage incontinence, caught us off guard. No one told us there were products available, and we felt lost. We didn't understand what it meant when curative treatment was no longer an option. The hospital didn't refer us to palliative care, and we just assumed it would happen.

Thankfully, Mom was proactive. She'd subtly prepare us for what was coming, like getting prescriptions "just in case." Over a week, Dad's life expectancy shortened, a blessing in disguise. It gave us time to adjust. When it happened, I wasn't scared, I understood.

Despite our differences, my family came together. My eldest sister brought humor, my other sister was my rock, and my brother, a constant presence. For the next two days, we surrounded Dad with love. We took turns sitting with him, sharing stories, and simply being there. It was peaceful, perfect. He wasn't alone, and he wasn't in pain.

Looking back, I wouldn't trade that experience. It's comforting to know I did everything I could. My advice? Have someone to talk to, someone who can guide you when you don't know what to do. Most of us aren't equipped to care for someone in the last stage of life anymore. We've lost the ability to care for each other the way families used to.

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Illustrated Kat