
When is the right time to start planning?

Hear from Kate Carnell AO, The Violet Initiative's Chair, as she shares her experience caring for her elderly parents and encourages us to ponder this important question...

When is the Right Time to Start Planning?

Many find it difficult to contemplate, let alone discuss, the last stage of life. Yet, planning for this stage is essential to ensure it is the best it can be for everyone involved. Unfortunately, we often do too little, too late. People tend to delay these conversations until their loved one is very sick, very frail, or very close to the end. Sometimes, they don’t have these conversations at all.

The best time to start planning is as early as possible. This allows for thoughtful consideration and meaningful discussions with loved ones. Early planning ensures that the person's wishes and preferences are known and respected, making it easier to navigate this stage with dignity and compassion.

Often, age triggers or health events might be good opportunities to begin to talk about and plan for the last stage of life. For example:

  • Around the time of a 75-year-old health check

  • If there is a serious health incident or diagnosis

At Violet, we encourage you to begin thinking about and talking about this life stage earlier and to return to these conversations if things change for you or someone in your family and you would like to reflect on or change the decisions and choices you have made.

Every individual's situation is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. That's where Violet can help. Whether you're planning ahead for yourself or caring for a loved one, Violet provides guidance on discussing and planning for the last 12-18 months of life. This includes addressing practical and emotional aspects, ensuring nothing important is overlooked.

With a solid plan in place, we can make the last stage of life a time of precious and positive memories. This helps ensure that more people experience dignified and compassionate deaths in the desired manner and place. By planning early, we can make this difficult time a little easier for everyone involved, focusing on what truly matters – honouring the wishes and values of the person and cherishing the time left together.

For more information and support about future care planning, chat to Violet via the message box below, register for your Violet Plan, or book to speak with a Violet Guide via the menu links at

Illustrated Kate