
How a Violet Plan can help you

A Violet Plan is the single source of truth for the very personal decisions, information and other details you need to manage the last stage of life. It's a repository of your wishes and preferences, key documents, contacts and other essential data. So that you, your loved ones, family, care team and advisors know exactly how to help you mange this experience and follow your instructions before and after death.

A Violet Plan helps manage all the practical and emotional aspects of the last stage of life. Offering comprehensive guidance for individuals and caregivers, it has been developed by a group of experts in this area, drawing on Violet's 25 years of experience supporting people through this stage of life.

Dr Renee Lim, Violet's friend and advisor, features in a series of short videos to help you understand how to work through each module of the Violet Plan. It is a personalised and dynamic process that can be revisited and updated anytime.

The Violet Plan includes several key modules:

Future Care Planning

A roadmap for ensuring comfort, dignity, and respect through the last stage of life. This module helps outline medical preferences and care needs, ensuring wishes are respected and followed.

  • What Matters Most
  • Shared Decision Making
  • Goals of Care
  • Advanced Care Planning
  • Different types of care for different stages

Financial and Legal Matters

Creating financial and legal peace-of-mind for everyone involved. This section addresses important legal documents and financial considerations, such as wills, power of attorney, and managing assets, to secure peace of mind.

  • Estate Planning, Wills, Probate & Beneficiaries
  • Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship
  • Financial hardship and support
  • Key documents and budgeting
  • Overview of Life and Health insurance and Superannuation
  • Closing bank accounts, superannuation and other utilities
  • Tax and other government obligations in the last stage of life
  • Role of the Public Trustee

Emotional Support

Having someone to talk to and lean on makes a big difference. This module recognises the emotional turmoil of this stage and provides resources for emotional resilience, including coping strategies and access to professional support.

  • Working with a Violet Guide
  • What does a Death Doula do?
  • Understanding different types of grief
  • Managing family tensions and conflict
  • From Psychologists to Rabbis: find the help that's right for you

Funeral Planning

Design the experience that you or your loved one actually wants. And reduce the anxiety and complexity for those left behind. This module guides families through the process of planning a funeral, ensuring that it reflects the loved one’s wishes and alleviates some of the immediate pressures during a difficult time.

  • How to talk to your loved one about funeral planning
  • Funeral pre-planning, planning and budgeting
  • Cultural and religious funeral traditions
  • Euologies, readings, poems and music 

Memory and Legacy

Sharing stories and creating precious memories with loved ones builds a lasting legacy. This section focuses on preserving memories and creating a legacy, offering ideas and tools to celebrate and remember the life lived.

  • Continuing bonds
  • Leaving a lasting impact
  • A-Z of ideas to build memory and legacy

Each module includes resources to read, tasks to complete, and checklists to work through, ensuring nothing is overlooked. At any time, assistance from Violet is available, including the option to schedule a call with a Violet Guide for personalised support.

The Violet Plan empowers individuals and their families to navigate the last stage of life with confidence and compassion. It ensures that practical needs are met and emotional well-being is supported: and that the time you have together is manageable and meaningful.

For more information and support about planning for the last stage of life, chat to Violet via the message box below, register for your Violet Plan, or book to speak with a Violet Guide via the menu links.

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