
What is Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD)?

What is it and who is it for?

Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) is the assistance provided by a health practitioner to a person with a terminal disease, illness, or medical condition to end their life. It includes:

  • self-administration, where the person takes the VAD medication themselves, and

  • practitioner administration, where the medication is given by a health practitioner.

How it helps

VAD allows eligible people to relieve their intolerable suffering by taking or being given a medication to bring about their death at a time that they choose. 

How to access

VAD is now legislated in all states across Australia. A person who wants to access VAD must undergo a request and assessment process that includes making (at least) three separate requests for VAD, and eligibility assessments by (at least) two independent medical practitioners. See VAD laws and safeguards information

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible to access VAD, a person must meet a range of criteria including:

  • be an adult with decision-making capacity.

  • meet residency requirements for the relevant State.

  • have a disease, illness or medical condition that will cause death within 6 months (12 months in Queensland and in other States for a neurodegenerative disease); and

  • their condition is advanced and is causing intolerable suffering. In all States except Tasmania the condition must also be progressive.

A person with a disability, dementia or a mental health impairment may be able to access VAD if they meet all the eligibility criteria. Aged care residents can also access VAD.

Services provided

Voluntary Assisted Dying Navigator Services have been set up in each State to help a person find a medical practitioner or registered nurse who is willing and authorised to participate in the VAD process, and link people who need help to service providers. 


There are no costs for the VAD substance or using the Navigator Service. You may need to pay for appointments with medical practitioners and any other health professionals you need to see. The WA Regional Access Support Scheme facilitates rural and remote access.

Where to go for additional information

Victoria VAD process information

Ph (03) 8559 5823 or 0436 848 344.

Queensland VAD process information

VAD support service 1800 431 371

Western Australia VAD process information

Navigator service: (08) 9431 2755

South Australia VAD process information

Navigator service: 0403 087 390

Tasmania VAD process information

Navigator service: 1800 568 956

New South Wales VAD process information

Navigator service: 1300 802 133

For more information and support on VAD, register for your Violet Plan, or book to speak with a Violet Guide via the menu link at

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